2012年4月16日 星期一


Bridal makeup artist, Jenga Lee, MUA, WEDDING MAKE UP, wedding make up,Candy, Yvonne Yuen, 化妝, 婚禮飾物, 新娘化妝, 新娘化妝師

20 則留言:

  1. 你好.
    我big day 係18.11.2012, 想問你仲有冇期??
    可否send priclist 比我, email: winnie_chin2000@yahoo.com

  2. 你好.
    我big day 係10 June 2012, 想問你仲有冇期??
    可否send priclist 比我, email: wendychan02111@yahoo.com.hk ~ Ths!
    [版主回覆03/05/2012 13:11:06]Sent to your email....plz check!! THANKSSss

  3. Hi,
    I wanna ask is it available on 12 of Nov,2013 ? Also, would you mind to send me yr price list ! Tks a lot !
    my e-mail address is lizchan1001@yahoo.com.hk
    [版主回覆03/20/2012 14:06:37]plz check your email!!

  4. Are you still available on 17th Sep, 2012? Can you send me the price list to my email: candice_wong_@hotmail.com~ Thanks!
    [版主回覆03/06/2012 02:55:47]sent to your email!!Plz check...thank you!!

  5. Are you available on 19th May, 2013?
    Could you send me the price list to my email: candy_glay@yahoo.com.tw

    [版主回覆03/06/2012 02:57:27]Sent!!PLz check...thanks!!

  6. Hi. Will you available on 2012/11/18? Please advise to me price list to my email: iris_huen@ymail.com. Thanks so much ^^

  7. Don't know if you will be available on 13 Dec 2012. If yes, would you please send me the price list to im.lingchu@gmail.com Thx so much!!!!
    [版主回覆03/09/2012 22:49:51]we sent a eamil to im.lingchu@gmail.com again....is that a right email address?!Maybe our mail was in the Trash box??!Plz let us know if you still cant get it!!THANKSSS
    [fung回覆03/08/2012 22:37:16]Thx for informing me, but I cannot find the email. Would you please check or resend to me again. Thx!!!
    [版主回覆03/08/2012 00:12:03]Sent to your email already...plz check!!

  8. My Big Day is on 9 Nov 13, could u mind please check your schedule is it availabe for you. Please also send me your price list to sumandfish198561@yahoo.com.hk. Many thanks!!!!!
    [版主回覆03/15/2012 12:19:20]Plz check your email!!thanks

  9. My B Day is 30/3/2013. Are you available and please send the price to e-mail.

    [版主回覆03/20/2012 13:47:24]Sent email to you...plz check!!

  10. my big day will be on 11/5/2013, please check if you are avaliable. And send me the price list as well, thank you~ :) email: lovesy_pink@msn.com
    [版主回覆03/27/2012 21:31:08]Sent to your eamil!!Thanks

  11. hello Yvonne,

    我的BIG DAY 會在2013年2月2日, 不知道你那天還有沒有時間呢?還有可不可以給我你的price list , 同埋最快trial makeup 的時間? 麻煩晒^^ 我的email 是 stomachfish@gmail.com.

    [版主回覆03/29/2012 14:28:25]Sent to your email ....plz check!!

  12. Hi Yvonne,

    My big day is 30/3/13. May I know your availbility and package price ? Thanks!

    [版主回覆04/02/2012 10:46:22]Hi Yee
    Thanks for your enquiry. We are sorry that Yvonne and Jenga are reserved by another client on the same day.

    Would you mind to use other make-up artists so that we can arrange the make-up trial for you?

  13. Hi Yvonne,

    My big day is on 2013-11-03, are you available on that day? Can you send me your price list. Plese contact me by email: Carriefongky@gmail.com.

    Thank you so much :)

    Carrie Fong

  14. hi,

    may i hv yr price list ? my big date on 8/jan/2013.
    email : lai.jessica618@ymail.com

  15. Hi,

    My big day is May 4 2013. Please advise availability and price list to emilybarrywedding@gmail.com


  16. Hi , 
    My big day is on 2012-12-30, are you available on that day? Please send me your price list to phoebecwt@yahoo.com.hk ,thanks!

  17. Hi, Yvonne. My big day is 9 March 2013. Are you available? Would you pls send the price list to me. tracychan1030@yahoo.com.hk

  18. Hi, Yvonne. My big day is 20 sep 2013. Are you available? Would you pls send the price list to me. eunice0116mcw@gmail.com
    thank you!!
    [版主回覆01/04/2013 20:44:26]sorry for our last reply...plz check yr email..thanks!!

  19. Hi my pre-wedding shooting is on 17 Jan 2013, and my big day is on 8 Dec 2013. Are they available? Could you please send me your price list as a reference? Please send it to lisapswong@hotmail.com. Thanks

  20. 你好Yvonne, 我訂左7.12.2013 結婚,請問你有冇期?另外,可給我價錢表嗎?我的email: kwokmin14@yahoo.com.hk
    [版主回覆01/04/2013 20:42:08]plz check yr email...thanks!
